Every business should have a custom email. They have become a standard for even the smallest business. Don’t allow the use of a basic email to cheapen the image of your business. It’s a small item but even the smallest item can turn off a potential customer. Custom emails brand your business and give’s it credibility. We can create custom emails based on the domain name of your website. Want FunnyBones@yourDomain.com? No problem! Need custom emails for everyone in the office? No problem! Want a custom email that gets forwarded to customer service? No problem! Contact us today to discuss your options.
Custom emails have many benefits.
- First of all, Custom emails free are with your domain name
- You can have as many as you like
- Free marketing. Every time someone sees your custom email on your business card or in your email signature
- Your company looks bigger rather than smaller by having an email for sales, customer service, information, etc.
- Certainly, you achieve a more professional look and appear well-established
- You can be consistent. Imagine having an @Comcast email address and changing it as a result of switching service
A professional-looking email address more important than most people think. A potential client is 10 times more likely to choose your business over another due to a professional-looking email address? Most noteworthy, 3 out of 4 people say how important it is when an email address matches the name of the business. Let’s face it info@yourBusiness.com looks better in contrast to info@hayoo.com. Most importantly, having a custom email address makes it easier for customer to reminder your businesses name and your website’s name. We have custom emails available for many of our web design packages.